A New Year: Greatest Resolution of All

The New Year is quickly upon us.  It seems like just yesterday we were experiencing the horrifying BP Gulf oil disaster. 2010 has had its up’s and down’s, as any year does and there is certainly a lesson to be learned in all this.

General Motors (GM) is taking a step in the right direction by attempting to salvage a disaster. It is with this mind set that we must all work together to make changes for the 2011 year. Earth is precious and a gift to all life that resides here. As a human species with dominion over life here, we have a duty and responsibility to preserve that gift.  The BP oil disaster has severely disrupted marine life, oceanic and coastal habitats. The full extent of the damage still cannot be determined. It will take years to fully understand it.  However, GM is attempting to contribute a piece of good and a dash of hope to a tragic situation.

GM stated on December 20th that it would be collecting 100 miles worth of oil boons once used to contain the BP oil spill, and will be recycling the plastic from them to make the 2011 Chevy Volt electric cars. Approximately 100,000 pounds of plastic in addition to recycled tires will be used to make shrouds that cover the radiator fans in the Volt’s engine compartment.

Creative recycling is one of GM’s strategies to reduce its environmental impact. “If sent to a landfill, these materials would have taken hundreds of years to begin to break down and we didn’t want to see the spill further impact the environment,” said John Bradburn, manager of GM’s waste-reduction efforts.

It is this kind of effort and determination which will carry us in the 21st century. Sustainability, harmony, and balance with all life will not only make us happier, but improve quality of life for all.

2011 has a promising future if we work together. Make your New Year’s resolution one that involves making changes to help the environment.